Thursday May 25, 2023
Future Green Breakfast Networking Dates:
Calancombe Estate, Nr Modbury, South Devon, PL21 OTU Member General Admission: £12.50 + VAT
Events 01752 273880 If you are passionate about your business making positive changes to the environment, then this event is a MUST where you can join us to discuss your ideas over breakfast. Date and Time
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM BST
Non-Member General Admission: £15.00 + VAT
We actively encourage junior members of your team to come along to our events.
Bring a non-member guest for free. Please email for more details on this offer and partnership opportunities.Contact Information
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On Thursday 25 May Devon & Plymouth Chamber will be hosting our Green Breakfast Networking event at Calancombe Estate where guests can learn and discuss where their business is in the Net Zero journey.
Guest speakers include:
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